I've only been able to find references to disability in round-ups of other forms of diversity, and often discover a deck has representation only via reviews. I'm hoping to create a database of decks that have images of visible disability. This is a WIP. Please comment with submissions! (I know. the Disability Justice Wisdom Tarot exists. It's my unicorn deck. Since it's not easily found, I didn't list it.)
Modern Love Tarot
Six of Wands - wheelchair user
Unfolding Path Tarot
Six of Wands - wheelchair user
Fydor Pavlov Tarot
Knight of Coins -- wheelchair user
Nine of Wands -- amputee
Everyday Enchantment Tarot
Strength -- wheelchair user
Nine of Wands -- crutches/broken arm
King of Wands -- visual impairment
Next World Tarot
King of Cups -- wheelchair user
This Might Hurt Tarot
King of Swords -- wheelchair user
Superlunaris Tarot
Chariot -- wheelchair user
Sacred Sisterhood Tarot
Knight of Pentacles -- wheelchair user
Nine of Wands -- amputee
Modern Goddess Tarot
Chariot -- wheelchair user
Daughters of the Moon Tarot
Six of Pentacles -- wheelchair race
Hip Chick Tarot
The Mother Tarot
Chariot -- wheelchair user
Teknebrae Tarot
Emperor -- wheelchair user